Mining, despite providing limited short-term economic benefits, adversely affects ecosystems and has a much larger detrimental knock-on effect on the broader West Coast environment, economy and society over the long term. The risks associated with the projected mining activities include:

  • Disturbance and destruction of marine life on mined beaches
  • Destabilisation of fisheries and fishing communities
  • Impacts on already scarce water resources
  • Air pollution from mining activities
  • Increased roads and traffic footprint and noise and air pollution
  • Visual impacts on local population and tourism
  • Loss of access to beaches and coastline for recreational activities such as surfing, trail running, hiking and fishing etc
  • Damage to the fragile dune system, which has evolved over millions of years as part of the natural interface between land and sea
  • Alteration of the natural beach profile, and its dynamic equilibrium with the wave energy
  • Knock-on impacts on land-based ecosystems
  • Lack of access to and loss of archaeological resources and fossils
  • Lack of access to and loss of indigenous heritage sites